Sunday, November 30, 2008

Getting out of my own way!

I've still been reading, intermittently. On chapter 12 i think. I've reread back a couple of chapters when it's been a couple of days in between reading. I have noticed I sleep so much better if I read before i go to bed and if i dream, the dreams are pleasant. I'm trying to write a few thoughts down on what i read too. I see things so much differently now and get different meanings than i did just a few years ago...expected i know. My attitude about life is better too, not that it was bad, I have been on the spiral up from hell. Guess i would say my wallowing moments are less and less and last shorter and shorter. This is good! The trek into the wilderness and the struggles they have with listening to the spirit and discerning what to do is so like our lives today isn't. It can be rather difficult if we let it be to weed through the crap and focus on the good. I don't know about you guys but my biggest obstical has ALWAYS been myself! So here's to getting out of my own way!


Jenn said...

I find the same thing wrong with me, ME! I've read off and on, but not how I want to. I found my Bible in the front seat the other day, picked it up and started reading while I was at the bank then waiting for Markus. I guess that is going to be my way to read. Something is better than nothing.

Jolie said...

yes something is! i say push urself but don't beat urself up! awareness of issues is half the battle....i so desperately want to be well balanced....but as my bish said not to long ago...u can't white knuckle the will do u minimal good...uve got to get out there prep and try and fall and repeat...that's how we's been about a week for me....but i'm doing more succession reading than i have in a long time...i pick them up all the time and just read whatever i open to which is usually very inspirational...the lord knows what i need to hear...and read!