Friday, November 14, 2008

1 Nephi 1-4

So, I read the first 4 chapters of 1 Nephi...this is one of my favorite parts of the Book of Mormon. So much strength it must have taken to leave their home...reading between the verses you can almost feel the struggle. I cannot even imagine. And then to Kill someone. It would be so hard to follow that prompting...and not to worry about the not think your crazy...i mean can you just imagine being prompted to do that today? WOW. I can actually see this story as I read it. What a great spirit Lehi and Nephi must have had, had to have, to follow the kind of guidance they were being given. I know I've had promptings I've received in my most spiritual times that I would never had listened to were I not in tune. There's so many things to worry about in this day...yet we shouldn't live with an impending sense of doom. It's such a fine line to be prepared for whatever is to come and trust in our Heavenly Father and not become a stressed out depressed mess worrying about it. Reading their story reminds me just how amazing the Gospel is and how much I want to be as close to my Heavenly Father as possible so I can receive the promptings to keep my family protected and as happy as possible. And so I can weather the rough times I know we will encounter to make us stronger.

1 comment:

Omi said...

i completely agree with you on feeling the struggle, and with following through on the command to kill. what faith they did have!