Wednesday, November 12, 2008


even on goal setting i'm having a hard time balancing it all! i love the background! 

well, i am very excited about the scripture reading, just recently kathryn has found a book of mormon (missionary copy) and she sits and flips through it and asks me to read it to her. she carries it in our car now for the rides. so i am trying to pull john in with me because he has an abundant knowledge of scriptures and points out things i never recognize. i haven't gotten much of a start, so i'll post about that later this week. 

i have a few goals i'd like to jump on! i agree with you both, i'd also like to loose some weight, and i have a gym membership for the next 2 years we pay for and i never go! i will start out 2 times a week, hopefully to pick up to 3 times a week. it has free nursery for 2 hours, but only at certain times, so i need to get a bag ready and go! if nothing else, i can let the kids play somewhere new so i can have free time to myself! i need to weigh myself to get a starting number. 

i also have a goal to wrap up and finish unfinished projects before i start anymore, and that is what seems to be clogging my time! i will classify this as a general to do list, and my goal is to complete at least one thing a week. some are like, paint daniel's name on the wall, or sew the button back on john's pants, or repair john's saddle bags for his bike...things that can be accomplished within an hour? but others are like finish the quilt i started, and finish the dress i started sewing, go through my digital pictures, etc. that may take a week in itself. so we shall see how that goes. HERE'S TO FINISHING WHAT I STARTED!!! 

my other goal is to make some bows, diapers, etc. to sell and make at least 50 dollars by the end of the year. it's a fairly conservative goal, this is the major thing i am hopefully going to focus on as soon as some other projects get finished so i have room to work!

is that too many goals at once! ah...maybe it is. i always seem to do that. well, i need to make better use of my time anyway, and be more productive. i'm getting better at sharing the load. that was one goal i have already accomplished. now if i could just keep  it up. 


Jolie said...

Can totally relate...lists to make lists, goals to complete i coming or going? Just acknowledging trying to get organized will be part of the process for me...i mean things get done...i just would like it to be more organized. It may take awhile to get good habits but checking in and being aware will get us all there sooner i think! good luck!

J Dub said...

I think as long as we know what the other is trying to accomplish we can keep the motivation going. I too seem to want all of these things done at once. But it's pathetic that I don't use the gym or read the scriptures that have a permanent place on my night stand.