Monday, December 15, 2008


Oh, what happened to all our resolve!!! I am soooo in trouble with myself. This frustrates me so much. I really wanted practice before the New Year rang in to get ready to get organized and ON IT, u know? Gosh what is it going to take? post-it's on my mirror? banners in my car? BLINKING STROBE LIGHTS BY MY BACK DOOR? wish i had a massively engineered "live" computer secretary to pipe out memo's, messages, REMINDERS!!!! help, help, help! I want music like in the movies to go with my mood, or inspire me when i need it. I want my own "Pips" to sing supportive banter in my head! i want, i want, i want. Heavenly Father, forgive me and stick a computer chip in my head like Bicentenneal Man!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I feel the same way Jolie. Maybe when the New Year comes things will slow down (NOT)! I did break down last night... I read Nephi and got inspired. Boy did I need that. And Markus came to bed and saw me reading and just shrugged it off. I almost wonder if I'm the one who has to hold his hand to make sure he does the same. OH that's a whole nother thing. ha!