Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Just survive! And keep smiling?!!!

Sorry guys, know i haven't said much in awhile. Didn't want to be negative. Things are tense, but ok. On any given day i go thru depression, disappointment, reminiscing, boredom, stress, and then self-encouragement which includes my own cheer in my head; " i can do this, yes i can, i can do this, watch me STAND!", my own theme song; "Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield." And a reminder song that fairytales are possible; "Lucky" by Jason Mraz, now my ring song on my phone. I have many things to be greatful for, most of all my health, my brain, and my Heavenly Father's love which has gotten me thru it all. There's still so many things i don't understand, things i wish i didn't understand, and things i have always understood. So, here i am, constantly ready for epiphanies, and hopefully diminishing my natural stubborn humanity enough so i can acutally hear what HE wants me to do. Love you guys tons! I hope even though i am not the best example of a big sister, that i have at least given u useful advice from time to time and have lovingly stood back and let you live your lives with loving support. And i hope you know that if any disaster happened i would do my best to swoop down by your side and help you through it, OR rescue you. Luvs!

Monday, March 23, 2009

My New Goal

I say this every year the only difference between this year and the others is that it will happen this year.

**I'm setting a new goal to catch up on my LSU scrapbook**

It has to be done. It is too much fun to keep putting it off. I love to share that book with other people and it's just not complete with the last 2 seasons missing. I know I know the last 2 years. Well probably 2.5 years. I don't think I ever got to complete 2006. But Clark Color Labs is having a sale and I'm going to splurge (if you want to call it that) and just get the stinking pictures.

Any new goals for yall???

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Friday, March 6, 2009

Loving My Husband.... More

Let's just say Markus never ceases to amaze me whether that be for the good or the bad. This time for the good. Throughout this whole process of his sisters wedding he's been quite the pushover until recently. I think what has happened is I have jumped in his body and taken over, Ok not really. But after you live with someone for some time, you kinda start to take on their personality traits. I'm not sure if my outspoken trait is good for him, but it works for now. :) He has stood up for himself and what he is and isn't going to do. Like the o so famous I hear lately... well since he doesn't have a job and has so much extra time....______(fill in the blank) like it is his responsibility to do whatever Little Miss needs done without asking him herself. Geez. I was happy to hear he told his mother no and in essence his sister too. After all just because he doesn't have a job doesn't mean he isn't busy or has things to do. HELLO what about his wife and what she wants her hunny to do for her.